Hola, Nicaragua,
I never dreamed I'd meet you, beautiful Nicaragua. If you don't like the poetry, then here it is plain and simple: I never dreamed I'd travel to Nicaragua. Sometimes, the best vacations are the places you've never dreamed of going and somehow by chance end up there.
Most people never dream that they would go to Nicaragua and have a vacation. Many of the peopleI spoke to were afraid to go to Nicaragua. Even my husband was afraid to go to Nicaragua and I had to force him. After the end of our visit, he loved the trip to Nicaragua so much that he now wants to live in Granada.
We had a very short trip to Nicaragua and that was enough to exite us to take future vacations to Nicaragua. We want to learn more about the country. So, I've started this blog to place my photos and stories of Nicaragua and what I find out about the country.
Ciao for now.
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